♦ C Syntax
♣ About C Syntax
The syntax is the set of rules provided by the compiler.These rules are supposed to be satisfied for program parsing.
Theory of Automata is used in compiler-building which makes the compilation efficient, else simple string parsing would have been a lot slower.
♣ Syntax in C
Below is the representation of C Syntax.Basic Syntax
#include int main(){ //code_block return 0; }
Syntax Explanation:
#include : standard input/output library inclusion code_block: block of code to executed
♣ Example1: Right Syntax in C
In this example, all the arrangement of program satisfies the compilation rules and code runs without any error. Example
♣ Example2: Wrong Syntax in C
In this example, there are multiple syntax violations:-1) hash-character is missing before the stdio.h library inclusion.
2) ; is missing after the puts statement.